Arty After School Club. Wednesdays 3.45-4.45pm. Autumn Term 2


Arty club provides children age 6-10 with fun opportunities to explore new materials and experiment with a broad range of processes. A new creative theme is introduced each half term. Activities are inspired by artists from different times and cultures alongside the children’s’ imaginative ideas. Across the terms the children will develop skills in drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture as well as crafts and textiles techniques.

Involvement with arts and culture is crucial to imagination, self-expression and creativity in young people. Creative outlets helps to promote mindfulness, resilience and problem-solving skills.

The classes are in Seaford and are payable half termly in advance. Mid term registration may be possible, please contact us for details

Term Dates.

1st, 15th, 22nd, 29th November

6th, 13th December

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